
Come as you are not to bad to come in and not to good to stay out! Join us for Worship and Fellowship!

July 27, 2011

How's our ride going?

My Uncle, Pastor Bill Bull, posted this to ...I think it's worth sharing here also!

“If you’re coasting in your spiritual life…..

you’re going downhill!”

~ Rev. Paul Barber


mans attempt to gather truths in our understanding of God.

The Bible...
a living magnificent document to learn from and live by!

The Trinity...

in this short video, Ravi Zacharias best answers the question!

Blessings to all of you! Stay in the word and consult a trusted spiritual advisor if you have questions!
Frustration starts where knowledge ends...never stop reading the Bible and learning what it is that God has planned for us in our walk with him!

You can easily find all the verses of the bible at

(thank you jimdaniel for this link)


July 11, 2011

to BE-lieve...or not to BE-lieve...

...that the Bible IS the Holy Word of GOD!

Do you believe that every word in the Bible is God inspired?

Do you believe that the Bible is reliable?

Do you believe in the prophetic accuracy of the Bible?

If you know someone who doesn't believe the Bible, ask them what evidence they have that it is wrong.

Make sure you stay in the word. Study your Bible, surround yourself with good Christian people. If you have questions, seek the advise of a trusted spiritual advisor...


There is NO plan "B"

Get it right the first time!!

Pastor Cherry 07.10.11